Belly Dance Troupe


Jacqueline Lemoine

Owner, Instructor, and Choreographer

Jacqueline Lemoine began her belly dance career in 2000, when she began studying under noted international dance instructor and performer, Maria Barannco. Jacqueline gained an instant appreciation, talent, and what some might call an obsession, with Middle Eastern dance.

She has trained extensively in Egyptian, Turkish, Lebanese, American Cabaret, and Fusion techniques. Jacqueline teaches her students not only the rich history and various styles of belly dance, but also the physiology behind the dance’s serpentine moves.

Additionally, Jacqueline began studying Polynesian dance in 2009, which she now teaches and performs, as well. She continues to train daily as she believes a truly great teacher should never stop learning.

To date, she has studied under many notable stars in the world of Middle Eastern, Tribal Fusion, and Polynesian Dance, such as Ansuya Rathor, Ruby Beh, Zoe Jakes, Dusty Paik, Mira Betz, Mardi Love, Rose Harden, Khalima Sirosky, Moria Chappell, Cory Zamora, Kami Liddle, Petite Jamila, Tamalyn Dallal, Amar Gamal, April Rose, Michelle Sorensen, Bozenka, Sahira, Eva Cernik, and Rebecca Manadic.

In June of 2008, she formed the belly dance troupe, Pandorium, composed of her most dedicated students. Jacqueline and Troupe Pandorium perform frequently around the Gulf Coast region.



Kristi Branch

Assistant and Artistic Director

Kristi has been dancing with Pandorium since 2008. She is an artist and freelance graphic designer who specializes in colored pencil artwork. She is also head artistic director for Pandorium Belly Dance Company, as well as Head Assistant to Jacqueline. She enjoys the confidence and comradery that dancing brings to her life. She also dances with Pandorium’s Polynesian troupe Sirenes de la Mer.

She has trained with many notable dancers such as Zoe Jakes, Mira Betz, Mardi Love, Rose Harden, Moria Chappell, Cory Zamora, Petite Jamila, Tamalyn Dallal, Amar Gamal, April Rose, Bozenka, Sahira, Eva Cernik, and Michelle Sorensen.

In the Spring of 2015, she completed an herbology certification based on the teachings of noted herbalist Rosemary Gladstar.



2nd Assistant


Liz has been dancing with Pandorium since 2016. She fully enjoys the fun and comradery the troupe brings. She is a mom to a future Pandorium dancer/drummer, Loki, and her mom KatheeJo also dances in the troupe. 

She has studied with notable dancers such as Zoe Jakes and Kimberly Larkspur.




3rd Assistant


Katie has been dancing with Pandorium since 2019. After many years of admiring the troupe’s performances at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival, she decided to take lessons. She enjoys making music and is pursuing a career in computer information technology.



Assistant Choreographer

Amy has been dancing with Pandorium since 2020. She started taking ballet when she was three years old and has continued to study various dance forms through the years. She is an accomplished seamstress and enjoys crafting her own dance costumes.



Event Coordinator and Emcee

Alane has been dancing with Sirenes de la Mer Polynesian troupe since 2017 and with Pandorium Belly Dance troupe since 2020. She is an energetic woman with a love for life. She is also a  Louisiana Licensed Florist.



Alina has been dancing with Pandorium since 2021. She is the mother of two beautiful and supportive young women and a Certified Therapist.  Her passion for natural mind/body healing practices and general baking and healing foods has shaped her path for many years and led her to putting her therapy practice on hold. Dance has always been part of her daily life. When she came across Pandorium Belly Dance she fell in love with the energy, the sense of community, and connection the group has and she had to experience it for herself.



Andi has been dancing with Pandorium since 2019 and is thrilled to be sharing her love of dance with new friends. She has been teaching fitness and dance for more than twenty-five years, and is a firm believer that movement is medicine. As a yoga instructor, fitness studio owner, and Master Trainer for BUTI Yoga, she gets to combine her love for fitness, dance, and inspiration every day. When Andi is not dancing, you can find her teaching at the LSU Law school, where she has been a professor of family law for the last two decades. She also has two teenage kids who keep her on her toes daily! 




Ashley has been dancing with Pandorium since 2010 and has  always admired the art of belly dance. In 2009, her boyfriend at the time, now husband and father to their 2 amazing children, surprised her with private lessons with Jacqueline for Christmas. She started taking her lessons in January 2010, got hooked, and has been belly dancing ever since. She has trained with notable dancers such Ebony Qualls, Michelle Sorenson, and Zoe Jakes. She has also earned her Dancecraft Key Of Diamonds Certificate from Zoe Jakes.

Ashley is the owner and lead photographer at AC Photography LLC and works part time as a Health Coach. She believes that always being grateful for what you have and making time for doing the things you love will always make you happy. So, let’s dance!





Becca has been dancing with Pandorium since 2014. Becca’s belly dance journey began when she met Mistress Jacqueline while working at a local bookstore. It wasn’t long after she convinced herself to take a class “just for exercise” that she became a member of Pandorium’s performing troupe.

Becca has trained with such belly dance notables as Mardi Love, April Rose, Petite Jamilla, Ebony Qualls, Bozenka, Tamalyn Dallal, Pixie Fordtears, Amar Gamal, and Lisa Zahiya and has completed Zoe Jakes’ DanceCraft Key of Diamonds. Becca also enjoys Polynesian dance as a part of Sirenes de la Mer.




Damien has been dancing with Pandorium since 2014. His love of dancing and live music inspired him to pursue and eventually perform belly dancing.




Gina has been dancing with Pandorium since 2016. After seeing Pandorium perform at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival for many years, she decided to sign up for classes. She remembers the first year she laid eyes on the beautiful costumes and mesmerizing movement of belly dance. That’s when she said out loud, “I’m gonna be up there one day.”

When she is not belly dancing, Gina is the owner and operator of Tall Tails Pet Sitting Service in Slidell, Louisiana. It took 8 years to build a great team to run her business while she dances, but she finally made it. Her favorite color is yellow after her business logo.




Jann has been dancing with Pandorium since 2015. She always second-guessed herself and feared stepping out of her comfort zone. As a wife and mother, she spent most of her adult life focusing on the needs of others while losing herself along the way. After turning fifty, she decided to do something for herself- belly dancing. Jacqueline has helped her reconnect with the graceful creature hiding inside of herself. She now has the confidence to step forward and be seen. She often thinks of her Mother who loved to dance, but never had a chance to shine. She states, “I know she’s dancing right along side of me.”

“There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask “What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, What if you fly?” -Erin Hanson




Jeanette has been dancing with Pandorium since 2014. She was first introduced to the troupe at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival in 2010. The dancing sparked her interest, but not enough to pursue lessons at the time. Years later, following the loss of her sister, she started taking lessons as a healing method. The dancing helped and she decided to continue dancing with the troupe.  She says, “Just when I needed a sister figure in my life, I gained an entire troupe of them. With some brothers too!” To her, dancing is a good stress reliever and a fun way to express herself. She hopes to return to school soon to finish her degree in Veterinary Technology. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, drawing, sewing, needlepoint, and archery.




Juline started her dance journey with Pandorium in the Fall of 2020. Having been a fan for years, she finally decided to do something for herself and signed up for lessons. Juline is an elementary school art teacher and mother to three. She believes dancing is one of the best things in life!



Katheejo, AKA “mama belly”, has been dancing with Pandorium since 2017. A dancer since 2009, she found her troupe when she joined Pandorium. She is the mother of four, grandmother of five, and her youngest daughter Liz also dances with the troupe.

She has studied with various notable dancers such as Ansunya, April Rose, Kimberly Larkspur, Michelle Sorenson, and Bozenka.




Kayla has been dancing with Pandorium since 2017. She had admired belly dance from afar for years, and after her father lost his battle with cancer in 2016 she finally mustered the courage to do something for herself. Learning belly dance has been a very healing and freeing experience for her. Her favorite styles of dance are Turkish and Tribal Fusion. When Kayla isn’t dancing, she enjoys helping heal people naturally as a Licensed Massage Therapist.




Christy, also known as Kiki,  has been dancing with Pandorium since late 2022. She had attended the Louisiana Renaissance Festival for many years and watching the Pandorium Belly Dancers was always a must! With no formal dance training she decided to contact Mistress Jacquline to sign up for lessons. She quickly shimmied her way up to performance level!

When Kiki is not dancing she is a legal assistant for her local government, a member of Spanish Town Ladies Auxiliary, a wife, a mother to three, and a grandmother to three. She has found her tribe within Pandorium and found the perfect way to express her soul.




Nichelle has been dancing with Pandorium since 2023. By day she is a bookkeeper for a small finance company. She was always a fan of Pandorium but didn’t entertain the idea of joining until the end of the 2022 Louisiana Renaissance Festival season. While she began with lessons for exercise and the need for a hobby,  by the following 2023 Faire season she was performing with the troupe.  When she isn’t donning her royal garb, she’s found that her dancing attire is most freeing and liberating. The pleasure of dancing with the troupe feeds her soul. Her only regret is not joining the troupe sooner!



Rhonda has been dancing with Pandorium since late 2015. She had her eye on the troupe at the Renaissance Festival for many years before finally taking a dance class. Prior to Jacquie’s classes she had no rhythm or moves, but now she loves performing every chance she gets.

Steven Rossi

Drummer and Emcee


Steven has been drumming with Pandorium since 2008. He has been training in Arabic drumming since 2003 and has studied with notable percussionists such as Dominic the “Drum Doc,” Tobias Roberson and David Hall. He is the proud father of Pandorium’s future drummers.


Todd Lemoine



Todd has been playing guitar with Pandorium since 2013. He is a singer/songwriter with over 20 years of experience. He performs solo and in the bands Acoustapunks and Quicksand Caravan Band. He is also a music teacher offering lessons in guitar, ukulele, bass, and piano.